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Starting or Buying a business

This is a pretty major step for a lot of people. Often they have been working for other people and feel that the time is right to step out on their own. From personal experience, we know it’s pretty scary: so much to plan, so many things to take into account, often so many outlays and all that at a time when you might have given up work and not got an income. We have been there, done that and got the t-shirt, which we think puts us in a pivotal position to help, advise, understand and sympathise.

There are lots of organisations that are happy to help start-ups and while you’re planning your new business, you should spread your net as wide as possible to see if there is any help, practical or financial, which might be available to you. Then come and see us.

Selling a business

For those selling a business there are issues as to whether you might wish to transfer the lease of the property that the business operates from or if you already own the property you can either, sell the property as part of the business transaction, or else keep the property and lease it to the new business owner. Whatever your plans we will listen and give you honest advice on the advantages and disadvantages of particular ways of proceeding.


Available Services
  • Start Up advice.
  • Purchase advice.
  • Types of Leases.
  • Should I survey?
  • Planning considerations.
There are a whole host of things that you should consider at the outset. Book an initial free appointment with our business advisor and he will point out some of the things to take account of if you are thinking of moving into the business world.

Thomas H. G. Stewart -- 41 Barclay Place -- Bruntsfield -- Edinburgh, EH10 4HW -- Tel. 0131 229 4939 -- Fax: 0131 656 0689